Lighthouse, 20XX

welcome to the blog thing.

this page looks kinda bad right now but hopefully that will change :)

haha guys the april fools joke is that i didn't update the website haha so funny right



another day of forgetting this thing exists..,..,sigh.,.,i kinda feel like a dad who just kinda leaves every few months and then comes back or something.,,..,.,i'm probably gonna update the image of the month in april. sorry for the wait :P hope u guys have a nice april fools day :D



dawg how do i keep forgetting about this website. i don't really have that much to say. hope you guys have a nice valentine's day :D



oh yea uhh forgot this website existed...AGAIN!!!! oopsie doopsie :3c. i might work on some music feature or add one of those chat thingies, but uhhhh yea. hope you had a cool new year's celebration thingie, and uhhh bye



so i moved some of the things to folders and that kind of fucked with the website but i fixed it. sorry. hope you guys have a nice christmas :D (12/22/2023)



hi! hope you had a good thanksgiving! sorry i haven't been doing much on this website i just don't really know what to do :( i honestly forget this website exists at times. that's all i really have to say. hope you have a nice day and sorry for the radio silence n shit :) (12/1/2023)



yea uh, still alive. don't really know what else to say. hope you had a nice halloween :) (11/1/2023)



still don't really know what to do with this website. i guess we'll just wait and see, funny little dudes in my computer. (10/1/2023)



sorry for not really doing much, i didn't really know what to do and i had other things happening in my life. hopefully i can still work on this website. (9/1/2023)



i'm losing motivation to work on this website to be honest. that doesn't mean i'll stop working on it though. (8/13/2023)